Wednesday, April 3, 2013

On Our Way to Stardom....

For our Art class, we are creating scenery for our mini plays. We got into groups and read a short chapter book at the beginning of the semester. We then chose a scene/chapter from the book to perform for the rest of the class. Our group is doing a chapter from the book Morning Girl by Michael Dorris. It is a book about an Indian family and the months leading up to the landing of Christopher Columbus. This chapter we chose to act out is about the son's experience in a thunderstorm and the refuge he found under an ancient tree.
So, we created a tree! We used a piece of cardboard to make the trunk and two green poster boards for the backing for the leaves. We folded the cardboard into a pyramid to make the trunk and then used duct tape to hold it together.
Then, we painted our "trunk" brown so it would look more like a tree and not so much like a piece of folded cardboard.
We taped two green poster boards together and then cut them out in the shape of a tree top. To add some dimensions and texture, we crumpled up square pieces of green backing paper that is used to cover bulletin boards. We cut the large sheet into small squares and crumpled them up.

We were going to use rubber cement, but that didn't work out too well, so we decided to use tape. It wasn't until later that I remembered that I had green duct tape at home (whoops!). But the regular tape held and you didn't see it.

This is the picture of our completed tree top. I'll add more pictures later of the whole tree put together. The trunk was still drying so I didn't get a completed picture.

To keep the tree top in an upright position, we folded another piece of cardboard into the shape of a triangular prism with one side longer so it could sit on top of the trunk. On the flat, slanted side, we duct taped the tree top to the cardboard. It sits nicely on top of the tree trunk. (I'll put up pictures of this at a later time)

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