Monday, February 25, 2013

Salt Dough Maps

I absolutely loved the project we did today in Social Studies! We created our own salt dough maps on any location we chose. We have been talking about the five themes of geography and this is the project we did to wrap up the unit.
To make the salt dough, you mix 2 cups of flour and 1 cup of salt together. You gradually add up to a cup of water. The dough should be very thick, but not sticky. If it is too sticky, add some more flour.
I started with my salt dough, a copy of the map I chose to create, and a piece of cardboard to place the map on.

I started forming my salt dough to look like the map. In case you couldn't tell (or you are like me and don't know what most countries look like), I did my salt dough map of Ireland!
After I was satisfied with the shape of my Ireland salt dough, I began to paint it.
I painted the country green because of all the vegetation and green hills! I painted the surrounding cardboard blue to show that Ireland is an island surrounded by the ocean.
Once it was all painted, I decorated it with flags, pictures, and words I printed off the computer. I cut them out and glued them to toothpicks, which I stuck into the map.
I chose Ireland because my grandma's family is from Ireland and she still has family living in County Cork in southern Ireland. Her maiden name was Armstrong. I want to travel to Ireland so badly! Hopefully, one day I'll be able to go!

Here are some pictures of some other great maps! Everyone did some great work!



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