Sunday, February 3, 2013

Trade Fair

Last week in Social Studies we conducted a Trade Fair in which we brought in items to trade. Some people brought in food (loaves of bread, cookies, candy, snacks, and doughnuts), books, picture frames, items from various countries, coffee, etc. We took a notecard and folded it in half. On one side we wrote the items we brought to trade and on the other side we wrote "closed". Before trading began, we walked around the classroom so we could look at all the items. Trading was not only singularly between two parties. A few times person A would only trade with person B if person B traded with person C to get something person A wanted. Once you traded for what you wanted and were satisfied, you flipped your sign around to say that you were closed. It was such a great activity and something you could easily do with a class!
Below are some of the items people brought in.

I brought in these Scentsy bars. Such a great hit!!


Once we were all done trading, we created these simple flip books about our trade fair experience. Below is the book I created.





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